Posts about electical engineering

von Neumann Architecture and Bottleneck

We each use computers a great deal (like to write this blog and read this blog) but often have little understanding of how a computer actually works. This post gives some details on the inner workings of your computer.
What Your Computer Does While You Wait

People refer to the bottleneck between CPU and memory as the von Neumann bottleneck. Now, the front side bus bandwidth, ~10GB/s, actually looks decent. At that rate, you could read all of 8GB of system memory in less than one second or read 100 bytes in 10ns. Sadly this throughput is a theoretical maximum (unlike most others in the diagram) and cannot be achieved due to delays in the main RAM circuitry.

Sadly the southbridge hosts some truly sluggish performers, for even main memory is blazing fast compared to hard drives. Keeping with the office analogy, waiting for a hard drive seek is like leaving the building to roam the earth for one year and three months. This is why so many workloads are dominated by disk I/O and why database performance can drive off a cliff once the in-memory buffers are exhausted. It is also why plentiful RAM (for buffering) and fast hard drives are so important for overall system performance.

Related: Free Harvard Online Course (MP3s) Understanding Computers and the InternetHow Computers Boot UpThe von Neumann Architecture of Computer SystemsFive Scientists Who Made the Modern World (including John von Neumann)

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