Scientists Don’t Look Like They Do in Movies

Posted on February 20, 2013  Comments (4)

The Myth of the Scientist: Crystal Dilworth at TEDxYouth@Caltech

Scientists don’t fit the stereotypical mold some people think they do. It doesn’t take much to replace those views. The main point, in my opinion, is to let kids know they can be a scientists even if they are not like the stereotypical examples – though it will take a lot of work.

Related: Movie Aims to Inspire College Students With Tales of Successful Minority ScientistsWomen Working in ScienceCitizen ScientistsScientists Singing About Science

Changing 7th graders view of scientists by having them visit Scientists at work (Fermilab).

Before After
I think of a scientist as very dedicated to his work. He is kind of crazy, talking always quickly. He constantly is getting new ideas. He is always asking questions and can be annoying. He listens to others’ ideas and questions them. I know scientists are just normal people with a not so normal job. . . . Scientists lead a normal life outside of being a scientist. They are interested in dancing, pottery, jogging and even racquetball. Being a scientist is just another job which can be much more exciting.
by Amy

4 Responses to “Scientists Don’t Look Like They Do in Movies”

  1. paulbgosh
    February 26th, 2013 @ 7:08 pm

    my daughter became a reasearch scientist and loves it.

  2. Jeo
    March 4th, 2013 @ 2:03 am

    I would agree John the image of scientists has been quite stereotyped in front of us. We are trained to think of scientists as dull looking people who don’t have a life outside their laboratories. I think its time we came out of that self-imagined image of scientists.

  3. Anonymous
    March 6th, 2013 @ 3:28 pm

    ya i agree with the post really movies give wrong perception of scientist although they r normal human beings :)…………… but the question is why they give such perception?????????????

  4. Vitaliy
    January 6th, 2014 @ 9:35 am

    Here in Russia we have those of the best scientists in the world, who with a great pleasure move to the USA, cause our government DO NOT appreciate them as scientists. Our children perception of being a scientist, hmmm, let me think, they all think it’s an ungrateful kind of job, at least have no interest for it.
    Actually here, to be a scientist, is to be being submitted to the slavory. They don’t almost have their private lifes, cause one needs to feed his family and works long night even more. Nobody actually thinks of stereotypes, people don’t need this, their mind are too busy

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