Energy Secretary Steve Chu Speaks On Funding Science Research
Posted on November 11, 2009 Comments (2)
Energy Secretary Steve Chu (and Nobel Laureate) speaks with Google CEO Eric Schmidt about science research. One of the things Steve Chu is doing is funding high risk experiments that have great potential. This is something that is often said should be done but then people resort to safe investments in research. Taking these risks is a very good idea.
This is another example the remarkable way Google operates. The CEO actually understands science and the public good. Google also provides a huge amount of great material online in the form of webcasts of those speaking at Google. Google behaves like a company run by engineers. Other companies have engineers in positions of power but behave like companies run by any MBAs (whether they are lawyers, accountants, marketers or engineers).
Related: President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology – Scientists and Engineers in Congress – Eric Schmidt on Google, Education and Economics – Larry Page on How to Change the World – Diplomacy and Science Research – Google Investing Huge Sums in Renewable Energy and is Hiring
Categories: Awards, Energy, Research, Science
Tags: Economics, Energy, Funding, Google, government, nobel laureate, Research, science webcasts, USA
2 Responses to “Energy Secretary Steve Chu Speaks On Funding Science Research”
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November 30th, 2009 @ 8:41 pm
This new ARPA-E program is a welcome relief from the previous administration’s commitment to research and development. The 1% success rate is a little disturbing, but in my opinion it is a much needed boost to the US research and development even if it starts out small. Innovation through R&D funding is what has made this country so great technologically; however, we have been lacking in funding for several decades and there is only so long that we can last on the innovations of our fathers and grandfathers.
July 25th, 2010 @ 12:47 pm
[…] posts on science and engineering funding – Energy Secretary Steve Chu Speaks On Funding Science Research (with Google CEO) – Invests $10 million in Geothermal Energy – Larry Page and Sergey Brin […]