Stellarium is free open source planetarium for your computer.
Related: Learn Physics with Free Space Flight Simulator – Fun Physics Freeware Game –, the Protein Folding Game
Stellarium is free open source planetarium for your computer.
Related: Learn Physics with Free Space Flight Simulator – Fun Physics Freeware Game –, the Protein Folding Game
Over the last three years Google Summer of Code has provided 1500 students from 90 countries the chance to work on open source projects. Each participant will receive $4,500 as a stipend. Student applications will be accepted from March 24th to March 31st.
Details on the software projects are available now. Given the short time that the application is actually open getting a start looking for projects that interest you might be wise. offers listings of science internships and engineering internships.
Related: Preparing Computer Science Students for Jobs – Open Source for LEGO Mindstorms – Open Source: The Scientific Model Applied to Programming – posts on fellowships and scholarships
Over the last three years Google Summer of Code has provided 1500 students from 90 countries the chance to work on open source projects. It also has provide some great software and software enhancements to the open source community. Google has increased their funding by another $1 million. Each participant will receive $4,500 as a stipend.
I don’t understand why they have such a short window of opportunity to apply – but this is how they do it every year. They are accepting applications from open source projects, to act as mentoring organizations, through March 13th. Student applications will be accepted from March 24th to March 31st. See Google’s announcement. offers listings of science internships and engineering internships.
Related: Preparing Computer Science Students for Jobs – IT Employment Hits New High Again – A Career in Computer Programming – Howard Hughes Medical Institute Summer Research Jobs – The Joy of Work – posts on fellowships and scholarships
3-D Fabrication Goes Open Source
Related: fab@home – Cornell Computational Synthesis Lab – A Plane You Can Print
Open Source Firmware, Developer Kits for LEGO® MINDSTORMS®:
photo: Lego TriBot – a flexible 3-wheeled driving robot with sound, light, touch and ultrasonic sensors – see more details.
Related: Books – Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms and LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Hacker’s Guide – Posts Lego Learning – Fun k-12 Science and Engineering Learning – Building minds by building robots – Buy the Lego Mindstorms NXT kit online – $250
I am getting a new computer and will use Ubuntu (a Linux flavor) as the operating system. I find this article interesting though I don’t necessarily agree. I think there is a decent chance that desktop Linux will take off in the next 3 years. Why Desktop Linux Will Not Take off, and Why You Don’t Want It to, Average computer buyers:
the Linux desktop has been designed and implemented by technology enthusiasts, for technology enthusiasts. If they were to seriously try to make it appealing to the masses, the effort would collapse halfway because they would be dismayed by the result. My take is that things are just fine the way they are, and the Linux desktop for Dummies an utopia.
The option is for a cover to be placed over the operating system that is easy for most to use. That is what Apple does. And that is what Ubuntu does (and Ubuntu is free). For me the likelihood of Linux desktop taking off is great especially when you consider how many of the new desktops will be placed in India, China, Brazil…
Related: Give Children a Computer and Stand Back – $100 Laptops for the World