The Feynman Lectures on Physics Available Online
Posted on August 30, 2014 Comments (1)
The Feynman Lectures on Physics are now available to read online. They are a great collection of lectures covering physics and touching on many areas including: the Mechanisms of Seeing, Semiconductors and Algebra. This is a fantastic resource for learning about physics.
You can also get a boxed set of The Feynman Lectures on Physics for those that like paper. It is fantastic but not cheap.
Bill Gates bought the rights to the rights to The Character of Physical Law, 7 lectures Feynman gave at Cornell University (these are separate from the lectures listed above) and made them available online, which is great. Unfortunately the website is based on Microsoft tools and therefore quite a bother for many (or maybe even impossible with Linux computers – I am not sure). I guess since he made all his money via Microsoft it isn’t that surprising but it would have been nice if he provide the content in a more easily accessible way (even if they didn’t do the fancy additions they did on the Microsoft site. These are great enough videos to probably be worth the bother of installing proprietary Microsoft software in order to view them.
Related: Video of Young Richard Feynman Talking About Scientific Thinking – Feynman “is a second Dirac, only this time human” (Oppenheimer) – Classic Feynman: All the Adventures of a Curious Character
Categories: Education, Science, Students
Tags: Open Access, physics, Science, science education, science explained
One Response to “The Feynman Lectures on Physics Available Online”
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August 31st, 2014 @ 2:05 pm
The Link the Feynman videos seems to be working both with IE and FF, provided you have the mentioned proprietary MS Silverlight PlugIn installed.
And the videos are worthwhile watching! It gives you an idea of this great mind.
Also highly recommend is the “autobiography” of Richard Feynman with the title: “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” It is actually more a collection of not always directly related stories of his life (starting when he was a pupil and discovered electricity), but very intriguing. And the book will certainly leave you restoring your image of physics professors that are only remotely concerned with the life of “ordinary people”.