Roominate: Inspiring Artists, Engineers and Visionaries

Posted on August 20, 2012  Comments (3)

Roominate is a cool new toy created by 3 engineering students aimed at giving young engineers a way to learn, experiment and create. The 3 women used kickstarter to get the funds needed to launch their product. They raised $85,000 (the goal was $25,000).

We’re more than just a toy company. We want to inspire your daughters to be the great artists, engineers, architects, and visionaries of their generation. We intend to give them every tool to reach that potential.


Bettina Chen: CalTech BS in Electrical Engineering, masters in Electrical Engineering from Stanford.

Alice Brooks: MIT BS in Mechanical Engineering, currently at Stanford pursuing masters in Mechanical Engineering design.

Jennifer Kessler: Bachelor degree from University of Pennsylvania, currently an MBA student at Stanford.

This is yet another example of entrepreneurship shown by Standford students. The USA is hugely benefited by Stanford (along with a few other schools: MIT, Caltech, etc.). There is little a country can do that is as helpful economically as encouraging the type of entrepreneurship Standford does.

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3 Responses to “Roominate: Inspiring Artists, Engineers and Visionaries”

  1. Rick
    August 20th, 2012 @ 3:11 pm

    The engineering field has been so heavily manned by males it will definitely be a breath of fresh air to have more Women engineers.

  2. Atlante
    August 20th, 2012 @ 4:52 pm

    This is good! I never really thought about it, but the industry could use a girl-touch to market more electronics to the ladies–that will help our economy so much!

  3. Grace
    August 29th, 2012 @ 7:38 am

    Women are trying to prove that they have something to be proud of even on a field dominated by men. Gender is never an issue these days as long as everyone is helping for the development of our country.

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