Repair Cafes in The Netherlands
Posted on May 13, 2012 Comments (3)
Repair Cafes in The Netherlands Give Life Back to Broken Objects
I really like these efforts. We throw away too much stuff that has plenty of useful life left. Also it is a great way to build community. And it is an interesting way to learn about products we use everyday (both by fixing them and having your items fixed). The throw away culture is something we should aim to change. By these actions and also by engineers designing products to be fixed instead of thrown away. I donated to a similar fixer collective in Brooklyn via Kickstarter.
Related: Fix it Goo – Book Explores Adventures in Making – Teaching Through Tinkering
Categories: Products, Technology
Tags: Europe, green, home engineering, how things work, making, Products, society, Technology
3 Responses to “Repair Cafes in The Netherlands”
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May 14th, 2012 @ 11:46 am
Nice! This is the kind of thing we should all embrace. Not only are they helping the planet by fixing something that would otherwise end up in a landfill, but they are helping each other, both by fixing things and teaching others…what could be better than this? Thanks for sharing this…exciting idea!
June 6th, 2012 @ 1:57 pm
As a youngster one of the ways I found about the world was tinkering. Taking apart and attempting to fix things were very entertaining and knowledgable.
August 24th, 2012 @ 7:10 am
Indeed throw away culture itself should be thrown not only for cafes but everyone should adapt it for the daily life and surel there are many things which could be repaired/recycled to be used for the same or other purpose.