Video of Young Richard Feynman Talking About Scientific Thinking
Posted on May 15, 2012 Comments (3)
The enjoyable video above shows a young Richard Feynman discussing how scientific thinking can advance our understanding of the world.
Related: Feynman “is a second Dirac, only this time human” – Science and the Excitement, the Mystery and the Awe of a Flower – Classic Feynman: All the Adventures of a Curious Character
Posted by curiouscat
Categories: Podcast, Science, Students
Tags: physics, Science, science explained, science facts, science webcasts, scientific inquiry, space, top webcasts
Categories: Podcast, Science, Students
Tags: physics, Science, science explained, science facts, science webcasts, scientific inquiry, space, top webcasts
3 Responses to “Video of Young Richard Feynman Talking About Scientific Thinking”
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May 27th, 2012 @ 4:36 pm
Ok, really Richard Feynman Explains the scientific method. But his thoughts make the similarity between the PDSA cycle and the scientific method obvious…
July 7th, 2013 @ 4:33 pm
Then scientists (sometimes the same people that did the original work) seek to confirm or refute the initial conclusions (based on new evidence or just repeating a similar experiment) and may seek to extend those conclusions…
August 30th, 2014 @ 2:04 pm
Bill Gates bought the rights to the rights to The Character of Physical Law, 7 lectures Feynman gave at Cornell University (these are separate from the lectures listed above) and made them available online…