Help Science Education in Tanzania
Posted on April 24, 2011 Comments (2)
Diana Hall, a physics teacher from Bell High School, Ottawa, Canada is spending 6 months in Tanzania helping build a more active science program. This reminds me of my time in Nigeria (while my father taught Chemical Engineering at the University of Ile Ife to help build a strong university program). It is great to see all the good that people are willing to do.
The objective of the Do Science, Tanzania project is to share teaching strategies and equipment with science teachers and students in Moshi, Tanzania. The goal is to facilitate a more active science program and to inspire students to continue studying beyond the secondary level.
The photo shows students at Reginald Mengi Secondary school, Tanzania, getting their first experience with microscopes in the classroom. There are over 210 Form I (freshman in high school, for you USA readiers) students in 4 classes. The 4 classes had an introduction to the microscope by preparing slides and viewing onion cells.
Working with science teachers is a big part of do Do Science is about. Their blog discusses a recent meeting where 50 science teachers from the Moshi area attended a workshop. The teachers at the workshop modeled thinking exercises, conducted sample labs, investigated computer simulations and interfacing equipment, looked at some DVD resources. and networked.
You can help by donating equipment or money. Or if you are a science teacher with workshop and leadership experience who would consider spending some time in Tanzania as a facilitator?
Related: Learning Design of Experiments with Paper Helicopters – Fund Teacher’s Science Projects – Science Education Resources – Ways to Help Make the World Better
Categories: Engineering
Tags: Africa, appropriate technology, biology, charity, K-12, science education, teachers
2 Responses to “Help Science Education in Tanzania”
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August 1st, 2011 @ 11:29 am
What a great project to be involved in. I know of a travel company who donated all their computers to a charity so they could give them to african schools, I would imagine if they approached schools, uni’s, collages you would find one that would be undating their scientific equipment and would be happy to donate the old stuff, good lick. Mark.
August 2nd, 2011 @ 12:38 pm
Great to hear this. Education is the key to a better life.
Mark, your comment is a good one. There must also be heaps of big business who are updating equipment all the time.