Here Comes Science by They Might Be Giants

Posted on August 31, 2009  Comments (4)

They Might Be Giants creates great music and has moved into creating music aimed at kids, of any age, over the last few years. They are releasing a new Album and animated DVD Here Comes Science, is being released tomorrow. Their music is both enjoyable to listen to and educational, something that is often attempted but rarely done as successfully as they do.

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The release include the following songs and videos:

1. Science Is Real
2. Meet the Elements
3. I Am a Paleontologist w/Danny Weinkauf
4. The Bloodmobile
5. Electric Car w/Robin Goldwasser
6. My Brother the Ape
7. What Is a Shooting Star?
8. How Many Planets?
9. Why Does the Sun Shine?

10. Why Does the Sun Really Shine?
11. Roy G. Biv
12. Put It to the Test
13. Photosynthesis
14. Cells
15. Speed and Velocity w/Marty Beller
16. Computer Assisted Design
17. Solid Liquid Gas
18. Here Comes Science Bonus Track
19. The Ballad of Davy Crockett (in Outer Space)

4 Responses to “Here Comes Science by They Might Be Giants”

  1. Anonymous
    September 1st, 2009 @ 7:35 pm

    i love this video, very clear and funny. thank you

  2. Anonymous
    September 2nd, 2009 @ 3:55 pm

    Brilliant, I hadn’t hear this. Was a big fan of Birdhouse, and I like this development. Quirky as usual. thanks.

  3. Mouli Cohen
    September 4th, 2009 @ 4:14 pm

    Yes, I agree, entertainment for children can be really terrible, always great when real talent steps up to the plate.

  4. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Test it Out, Experiment by They Might Be Giants
    October 2nd, 2009 @ 10:04 am

    Put It to the Test is one of the songs on the great new Album and animated DVD from They Might Be Giants…

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