Solid-State Drives For Laptops

Posted on January 11, 2009  Comments (1)

SanDisk Drops Price On Solid-State Drives For Laptops

The products are scheduled to be available in the middle of this year.

SanDisk claims the SSDs are more than five times faster than the fastest 7,200 revolutions per minute hard-disk drives used in laptops. The vendor also claims its devices are more than twice as fast as SSDs that shipped last year.

The latest devices operate at a 40,000 vRPM, or virtual RPM, a metric used to compare the speeds of SSDs and HDDs. The SanDisk drives read and write data at 200 MBps and 140 MBps, respectively.

“With large capacities and aggressive pricing, SSDs are poised to enter mainstream corporate notebooks in 2009,” Rich Heye, senior VP and general manager of SanDisk’s SSD business unit, said in a statement.

SSDs use flash memory chips to store data, so have no moving parts. As a result, the technology is quieter, uses less power and is more reliable than HDDs. In addition, SSDs are faster and are more rugged.

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One Response to “Solid-State Drives For Laptops”

  1. Anonymous
    January 12th, 2009 @ 11:03 am

    I have been excited about Solid State Drives since its arrival in the market. To be honest, I could not yet afford to use SSD yet because of its high price. But the way, SSD price is decreasing, I guess, I will also be able to use SSD in near future. In fact, who does not want faster data transfer with higher reliability.

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