How Aerobic Exercise Suppresses Appetite

Posted on December 14, 2008  Comments (2)

How aerobic exercise suppresses appetite

Those of you who run, bike, swim, or otherwise engage in aerobic exercise have probably noticed that in spite of burning scads of calories during your chosen activity, the last thing you feel when you’re finished is hungry.

The researchers discovered that aerobic exercise produces increased peptide YY levels while lowering ghrelin, leading to decreased appetite. Weight training was associated with a decrease in ghrelin, but no change in peptide YY, meaning that there was a net suppression of appetite, but not to the same degree as observed with treadmill training. In both cases, changes in appetite lasted for about two hours.

I know I find this to be true for me.

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2 Responses to “How Aerobic Exercise Suppresses Appetite”

  1. Deepak
    January 9th, 2009 @ 9:50 pm

    A vigorous 60-minute workout on a treadmill affects the release of two key appetite hormones, ghrelin and peptide YY, while 90 minutes of weight lifting affects the level of only ghrelin, according to a new study. Taken together, the research shows that aerobic exercise is better at suppressing appetite than non-aerobic exercise and provides a possible explanation for how that happens

  2. Taylor Ryan
    August 24th, 2009 @ 9:08 pm

    I know this is true for me, I know the importance of a post workout snack, especially after weight training which for me is followed up with cardio but I never am really “craving food” so I force myself to eat a proper high protein snack!

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