Problems with Scientific Research Funding
Posted on January 2, 2008 Comments (1)
The Wired blog proposes the following, Vote for the Biggest Problems with Scientific Research Funding
Join us in complaining about the many problems with research funding in the voting widget below.
Some of the current leading problems: Defense Contractors Get More Tax Dollars than Medical Researchers, Keep the masses uneducated = some Republicans don’t believe in evolution, The Science of Global Warming, No Federal Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Those may or may not serious problems but they do seem to show a tendency for certain constituencies to be vocal online.
I don’t think this voting is actually very insightful. But it is at least raising two issues I have been raising a bit more lately: science funding (our newest category) and politics and science (Science and Engineering in Politics – Politics and Science Research).
One Response to “Problems with Scientific Research Funding”
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December 7th, 2009 @ 6:32 pm
The US is falling behind in all categories. We built this country on innovation. Unfortunately, federal funding for research has decided that only a select few institutions and federal laboratories are innovative. Consequently, most of our countries research infrastructure is under utilized because they cannot get funded. No one can predict where the next big idea will come from. No patent clerk is going to make a big splash in this day and age. If this country wants to get back into the race we need to spread the research dollars around. There are too many smart researchers to think that only a few places will have all of them.