Engineering Education Future at Imperial College

Posted on October 5, 2007  Comments (1)

Imperial outlines vision for new era in engineering education

“We want to ensure that the engineering graduate of the future is better equipped to take a leading role in identifying issues and designing solutions to local, national and global challenges affecting society and the world around us, without compromising their technical education,”

Capitalising on these global issues could also have major financial benefits for UK industry claimed the Science and Innovation Minister, Ian Pearson. He said tackling climate change and the effects of population growth could generate at least GBP 700 billion globally by 2015. He said it was an opportunity that British engineers should capitalise on, while helping to mitigate the most damaging features of climate change.

Related: Educating Engineering GeeksEngineers of the FutureLeah Jamieson on the Future of Engineering EducationBest Research University Rankings (2007)Science Focus in New UK Government

One Response to “Engineering Education Future at Imperial College”

  1. Simon
    October 10th, 2007 @ 10:14 am

    A refreshing comment to hear for too long engineering has been seen as a thing of the past, hopefully the current “obsession” with climate change will bring more and more people into the UK engineering industry as it needs an influx of young and talented people.

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