Great Speech by Marissa Mayer on Innovation at Google

Posted on August 8, 2007  Comments (5)

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Marissa Mayer speech at Stanford on innovation at Google (23 minute speech, 26 minutes of question and answers). She leads the product management efforts on Google’s search products- web search, images, groups, news, Froogle, the Google Toolbar, Google Desktop, Google Labs, and more. She joined Google in 1999 as Google’s first female engineer. Excellent speech. Highly recommended. Google top 9 ideas:

(inside these are Marissa’s thoughts) [inside these are my comments]

  1. Ideas come from anywhere (engineers, customers, managers, executives, external companies – that Google acquires)
  2. Share everything you can (very open culture)
  3. Your Brilliant We’re Hiring [Google Hiring]
  4. A license to pursue dreams (Google 20% time)
  5. Innovation not instant perfection (iteration – experiment quickly and often)
  6. Data is apolitical [Data Based Decision Makingcommon errors in interpreting data – read the related links too]
  7. Creativity loves Constraints [process improvement and innovation]
  8. Users not money (Google focuses on providing users what they want and believe it will work out)
  9. Don’t kill projects morph them

So far every time I hear one of Google’s leaders speak I am happier that I own a bit of stock – this is another instance of that.

Related: Technology Speakers at GoogleGoogle’s Page urges scientists to market themselvesInnovation at GoogleAmazon InnovationScience and Engineering Webcast directoryEngineers – Career Options

5 Responses to “Great Speech by Marissa Mayer on Innovation at Google”

  1. Confessions of a Science Librarian
    August 17th, 2007 @ 5:59 pm

    How to innovate like Google…

    Well, jump on over the Curious Cat Science & Engineering Blog and watch the YouTube video of Google’s Marissa Mayer talking about the 9 ideas that encourage innovation. A summary from Curious Cat……

  2. CuriousCat: Google Offers $10 Million in Awards for Google Phone Development
    November 12th, 2007 @ 1:09 pm

    Those selected will then be eligible for even greater recognition via ten $275,000 awards and ten $100,000 awards. Once again Google is showing they understand how to manage in the new world…

  3. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » YouTube Access Denied
    February 25th, 2008 @ 6:01 pm

    […] The problem was fixed when Google’s YouTube engineers contacted PCCW to inform them of the problem and have them correct it. I think if it was my site instead, I would have had difficulty figure out what was going on Once PCCW corrected their routing tables the fixed flowed through the system and everyone was able to see the great stuff like Marissa Mayer discussing Innovation at Google. […]

  4. Curious Cat Engineering Blog » Toyota Engineering Development Process
    September 22nd, 2008 @ 1:34 pm

    Kenji shares a presentation he attended earlier this year by Nobuaki Katayama, a former Chief Engineer at Toyota, and the lessons he learned from him…

  5. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Cardiac Cath Lab: Innovation on Site
    March 28th, 2009 @ 11:49 am

    “I firmly believe that it is impossible to innovate effectively without a clear understanding of the context and usage of your final innovation. Ideally, I like to go to gemba…”

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