Fun k-12 Science and Engineering Learning

Posted on August 21, 2006  Comments (7)

photo of robots

The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Center for Initiatives in Pre-College Education (CIPCE):

For too long now the nation’s best research universities have often sat idle while our the problems of our system of public school education have reached crisis proportion. Rensselaer, through CIPCE, intends to take the lead in forging new relationships which will become models for others to follow.

A bold declaration and vision which, thankfully, they back up with action.

CIPCE works closely with Rensselaer’s Academy of Electronic Media to develop K-12 interactive multimedia materials and to educate teachers in their use. We are interested in studying how cutting edge educational technologies can affect teaching and learning in the classroom.

They offer several Interactive MultiMedia downloads form their site. We have added a directory of sites that offer k-12 resources (ciriculum, tools, etc. for teachers) and interesting online and offline resources for sudents: science education sites as part of our science links directory.
Robotics for k-12 see:

CIPCE is working in partnership with Tufts University in incorporating into its professional development activities a hands-on experience with LEGO Robotics and the Robolab programming software.

seeks to immerse learners from pre-K through college into an interdisciplinary environment rich in programming, construction of LEGO devices controlled by the programs, and the associated mathematics and science.

Related: Lego Learning

7 Responses to “Fun k-12 Science and Engineering Learning”

  1. Curious Cat: Middle School Engineers
    September 15th, 2006 @ 5:22 pm

    “Getting kids to actually apply concepts is not only fun but the best way to learn…”

  2. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Open Source for LEGO Mindstorms
    February 23rd, 2008 @ 5:12 pm

    “Most often, innovation comes from the core community of users. Our ongoing commitment to enabling our fan base to personalize and enhance their MINDSTORMS experience has reached a new level with our decision to release the firmware for the NXT brick as open source…”

  3. CuriousCat: Building minds by building robots
    February 23rd, 2008 @ 5:14 pm

    The small video devices that can be attached to tubes and inserted through natural body openings for medical exploratories and procedures sound pretty high tech. But through nanomedicine, “people could swallow a ‘pillcam’ and would’ have to use wires,” said Emily.

  4. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Germany Looking to Kindergarten for Engineering Future
    July 2nd, 2008 @ 1:48 pm

    “Germany’s shortage of engineers has become so acute that some of its leading companies are turning to kindergartens to guarantee future supplies. Groups such as Siemens and Bosch are among hundreds of companies giving materials and money to kindergartens to try to interest children as young as three in technology and science…”

  5. CuriousCat: Science and the City: Science Barge
    July 27th, 2008 @ 5:47 pm

    Science and the City is (among other things) an excellent podcast series from the New York Academy of Science. The latest podcast discusses the science barge project…

  6. Engineering &… » Blog Archive » Closing the Gap for Good
    June 10th, 2009 @ 12:06 pm

    In the United States, girls are now performing on par with boys at all levels of math and are just as likely to choose advanced math classes in high school…

  7. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » President Obama Speaks on Getting Students Excited About Science and Engineering
    November 23rd, 2009 @ 5:01 pm

    “As President, I believe that robotics can inspire young people to pursue science and engineering…”

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