Women for Science

Posted on July 12, 2006  Comments (0)

A new report, Women for Science, is available from the InterAcademy Council:

Realizing that the low representation of women in science and engineering is a major hindrance to global capacity building in science and technology, the IAC formed an Advisory Panel on Women for science with the mandate to review previous studies, provide examples of effective projects already implemented, and issue a set of actionable recommendations addressed particularly to the world’s science and engineering academies.

The report is a comprehensive report. The report includes a large list of online resources.

The InterAcademy Council:

In May 2000 all of the world’s science academies created the IAC to mobilize the best scientists and engineers worldwide to provide high quality advice to international bodies – such as the United Nations and the World Bank – as well as to other institutions.

In a world where science and technology are fundamental to many critical issues – ranging from climate change and genetically modified organisms to the crucial challenge of achieving sustainability – making wise policy decisions has become increasingly dependent on good scientific advice.

Related (added when I had to update the link to the report – when are people going to learn to keep urls as permanent addresses?): Engineering Education at Smith CollegeDiversity in Science and EngineeringWomen Working in ScienceGirls in Science and Engineering

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