The Secret Life of Plankton

Posted on April 20, 2012  Comments (1)

Fun video with great shots of exotic ocean life that forms the base of the food chain in the ocean from TED Education.

Related: Hydromedusae, Siphonophora, Cnidarians, CtenophoresMilestones on the Voyage to the Bottom of the SeaMacropinna Microstoma: Fish with a Transparent Head

One Response to “The Secret Life of Plankton”

  1. Anonymous
    April 20th, 2012 @ 10:55 pm

    My wife and I were talking about plankton last night. I know, it’s s strange conversation topic. We were watching a documentary about the mammals of the ocean, which remarked about the enormous amounts of plankton that some whales have to eat just to survive. My wife wondered aloud whether the plankton even mind. After all, it’s sort of like they exist just to feed larger creatures, isn’t it?

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