EZ-Builder Robot Control Software
Posted on July 25, 2011 Comments (4)
You can get EZ-Builder Robot Control Software and try this out yourself.
Not a programmer? No problem! The EZ-Builder application allows non-programmers to easily build robots using advanced functions of the EZ-B Robot Controller. It is a Microsoft Windows application that gives you remote and scripting control of your custom robot design. Within the application, you add Controls that mimic your robot’s configuration. There are many controls for speakers, iRobot Roomba, HBridge, Servos, Cameras, Voice Recognition, Joysticks and more! There is even an easy scripting language so you may create short animations, interactions or initialization routines for your robot.
Using a Dremel, hot glue gun, screw drivers and various other tools, you can begin modifying the toy shell to fit your servos. For wheels or mobility, use continuous rotation modified servos. For arms and neck, use a standard servo. To allow your robot to see for object detection, use a Sharp IR Distance Sensor or a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ping Sensor.
Using a Dremel, hot glue gun, screw drivers and various other tools, you can begin modifying the toy shell to fit your servos. For wheels or mobility, use continuous rotation modified servos. For arms and neck, use a standard servo. To allow your robot to see for object detection, use a Sharp IR Distance Sensor or a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ping Sensor.
Related: Arduino: Open Source Programmable Hardware – Robots That Start as Babies Master Walking Faster Than Those That Start as Adults – Robot Built Largely From Old TV Parts
4 Responses to “EZ-Builder Robot Control Software”
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August 1st, 2011 @ 3:55 pm
My younger son is interested in robotics and waited patiently for about four years to be old enough to use the Mindstorm robotic toy. He was very excited once he got it but found that it was not as hands on as he had hoped. Since he is still relatively young for the age requirement I think he bit off more than he could chew for an 11 year old. As he gets older I want to help him to explore the world of robotics more fully. It is a very exciting field to play in.
August 8th, 2011 @ 4:13 am
This is awesome.
The Wall-e is so much like the real guy in the movie. very cool!
Robots have always fascinated me and I always wanted to build one. Will be checking out this software when I have the time.
October 18th, 2011 @ 5:48 am
This is a nice video. I like it. I am very interested in robotics. It is awesome how modern robots can move and to some really nice work. I think i will try to programm my own robots with this control software. I hope it will be great to look at.
February 24th, 2013 @ 11:30 pm
It never crossed my mind that creating a wall-e robot is very easy. Although I can get my hands on tools and materials to create the robot, the fact that I have no idea on how to program a robot stops me to do so. I really appreciate the video and thank you for posting this. I will make sure to try this out and see if I can make my most favorite robot (this will be my first time to create one; so wish me luck).