Stanford Gets $75 Million for Stem Cell Center
Posted on October 8, 2008 Comments (0)
Stanford gets $75 million for stem cell center
He said he was driven to fund research after President Bush, in August 2001, forbid the use of federal funds for stem cell research that involved the destruction of human embryos. “It’s very narrow-minded,” Lokey said of the position. “This is about lives being saved.”
Some 350 scientists will work in the 200,000-square-foot Lorry I. Lokey Stem Cell Research Building, the school said. The center is also getting a $43.6 million grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. The institute, the state’s $3 billion stem cell funding unit, was created by a 2004 state initiative from research advocates opposed to Bush’s restrictions.
Related: Chinese Stem Cell Therapies – Scientists Cure Mice Of Sickle Cell Using Stem Cell Technique – Funding Medical Research – post on funding science
Categories: Funding, Life Science, Research, Science, Universities
Tags: California, centers of excellence, Funding, Stanford, university research
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