$92 Million for Engineering Research Centers

Posted on October 6, 2008  Comments (2)

photo of Alex Huabg

NSF Launches Third Generation of Engineering Research Centers with Awards Totaling $92.5 Million. Each of the 5 sites will receive will use $18.5 million over five-years. Each center has international university partners and partners in industry.

The NSF Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC), based at Iowa State University, seeks to transform the existing petrochemical-based chemical industry to one based on renewable materials.

The NSF Engineering Research Center for Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) Systems, based at North Carolina State University, will conduct research to transform the nation’s power grid into an efficient network that integrates alternative energy generation and new storage methods with existing power sources.

The NSF ERC for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN), based at the University of Arizona, will conduct research to create transformative technologies for optical access networks that offer dramatically improved performance and expanded capabilities.

The NSF ERC for Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials, based at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, aims to transform current medial and surgical treatments by creating “smart” implants for craniofacial, dental, orthopedic and cardiovascular interventions.

The NSF Smart Lighting ERC, based at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, aims to create new solid-state lighting technologies to enable rapid biological imaging, novel modes of communication, efficient displays and safer transportation.

Photo: Alex Huang will lead direct the research of ways to integrate renewable energy sources into the nation’s power grid at North Carolina State University.

Related: $75 Million for 5 New Engineering Research CentersNSF Awards $50 Million for Collaborative Plant Biology ProjectPresidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineersposts related to the United States National Science Foundation

2 Responses to “$92 Million for Engineering Research Centers”

  1. Colin Klinkert
    October 7th, 2008 @ 12:53 am

    Great Post! This is the kind of information I have been looking for. I will certainly come back for more reads later. Thanks for sharing.

  2. CuriousCat: NSF Funding for Engineering Education, Curriculum, and Infrastructure
    January 8th, 2009 @ 8:33 am

    Anticipated Funding Amount: The total anticipated funding in fiscal year 2009 is $8,500,000. Expansion Projects will be funded at a level of up to $400,000…

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