New Hearing Mechanism

Posted on October 12, 2007  Comments (0)

MIT finds new hearing mechanism

MIT researchers have discovered a hearing mechanism that fundamentally changes the current understanding of inner ear function. This new mechanism could help explain the ear’s remarkable ability to sense and discriminate sounds. Its discovery could eventually lead to improved systems for restoring hearing.

t has been known for over half a century that inside the cochlea sound waves are translated into up-and-down waves that travel along a structure called the basilar membrane. But the team has now found that a different kind of wave, a traveling wave that moves from side to side, can also carry sound energy. This wave moves along the tectorial membrane, which is situated directly above the sensory hair cells that transmit sounds to the brain. This second wave mechanism is poised to play a crucial role in delivering sound signals to these hair cells.

Related: Solar Powered Hearing Aid

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