$60 Million in Grants for Universities
Posted on February 28, 2007 Comments (2)
A panel of leading scientists and educators will review the applications and make recommendations to the HHMI undergraduate science education grants staff. Awards will be announced in May 2008.
Through its Undergraduate Science Education Program, HHMI has awarded $235.8 million in grants to 126 colleges throughout the United States and Puerto Rico since 1988, part of $693 million in grants for undergraduate science education that the Institute has awarded to institutions of higher education, including research and doctoral universities. HHMI is the largest private supporter of science education in the United States.
This is a huge amount of money that can do a great deal of good.
2 Responses to “$60 Million in Grants for Universities”
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April 23rd, 2008 @ 12:30 pm
“Colleges in 21 states and Puerto Rico will receive $700,000 to $1.6 million over the next four years to revitalize their life sciences undergraduate instruction…”
August 25th, 2008 @ 11:30 am
This is fantastic and I truly hope that the colleges that receive the money will utilize the money as it is intended. We need to invest more money if it is possible for only then will there be cures and more innovated ways to fight various diseases found. For the US to remain #1 in the World we’re also going to have to invest in the younger generation.