Science Education
Posted on January 12, 2007 Comments (0)
They warned that fewer and fewer high school students are choosing math and science classes as electives, leading to a crisis situation. They said science should not be taught as an elective course, but as a mandatory one, while the curriculum should be revised so that science and engineering majors can take more math and science classes. This warning should not be taken lightly. Since the industrial revolution, competitiveness in math and science was the decisive factor in separating the winners from the losers in global economics.
Seems like this could be said in many countries. Certainly it sounds like the kind of thing that might be said in the USA. This time it is from Korea:
Six national science and technology organizations, including the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, the National Council of Natural Science University Deans and the National Council of Engineering University Deans, issued a statement on Wednesday saying the quality of high school math and science classes should not be left to further deteriorate.
Related: Global Engineering Education Study – Primary Science Education in China and the USA – MIT Faculty Study Recommends Significant Undergraduate Education Changes
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