Bell Labs Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Posted on August 27, 2006  Comments (0)

The Bell Labs Graduate Research Fellowship Program (link broken by idiots) is designed to increase the number of minorities and women in the fields of science, math, engineering and technology. Fellowships are awarded to women and members of a underrepresented minority groups who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

The program is primarily directed to graduating college seniors, but applications from first-year graduate students will be considered in the following fields: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Communications Science, Computer Science/Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Science, Materials Science, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Operations Research, Physics and Statistics.

Update: Why are huge companies not even able to follow the most basic web usability concepts. It is amazing to me how incompetent these people are. This link works (even just looking at the url you can tell this is likely to die soon – I have yet to see a well planned web site that uses such a completely lame url) – for who knows how long. Would someone please hurry up and replace idiots that can’t follow the simple web practices with someone who does and let those who don’t copy textbooks by hand or whatever they are able to do.

Related: NSF Graduate Research Fellowshipblog posts on fellowships and scholarships

Each participant is expected to spend the first summer working with their mentor at Bell Labs on a research project in their area of interest. During periods of internship at Bell Labs, participants receive salaries commensurate with their level of experience and training.

The Fellowship provides full tuition, an annual stipend of $17,000. Fellowships will be renewed on a yearly basis for up to four years of graduate study, subject to the participant’s satisfactory progress toward the doctoral degree.

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