Science, Engineering and Technology Graduates Paid Well
Posted on June 23, 2006 Comments (2)
Forfás report says starting salaries for science engineering and technology graduates are amongst the highest of all Irish graduates.
Speaking at the awards ceremony Minister Martin said, “This report highlights the exciting careers and levels of opportunity open to graduates and students in the science, engineering and technology sector. These graduates and students are at the forefront of Ireland’s transition as a world leading knowledge economy, working at the cutting edge of innovation and research.
Across a range of qualifications from primary degree to PhD level the report shows that graduates in disciplines with a strong science and technology content tend to be better paid than graduates in other disciplines.
Across a range of qualifications from primary degree to PhD level the report shows that graduates in disciplines with a strong science and technology content tend to be better paid than graduates in other disciplines.
This is another example of countries targeting science and engineering education to improve future economic progress and the high pay of engineering graduates. Previous related posts:
- Engineering Graduates Get Top Salary Offers (USA)
- Basic Science Research Funding
- Top degree for S&P 500 CEOs? Engineering
- Shortage of Engineers?
- China’s Economic Science Experiment
2 Responses to “Science, Engineering and Technology Graduates Paid Well”
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June 25th, 2006 @ 9:03 am
[…] There is competition globally for winning these engineering jobs (Science, Engineering and Technology Graduates Paid Well – Singapore woos top scientists with new labs – Alarm as white-collar jobs vanish overseas …). Countries realize the benefits of gaining science and engineering jobs go beyond those well paying jobs themselves and provide large benefits to the economy. The more of those jobs an economy gains, the better off it will be. And the USA’s share of those jobs is decreasing. That will likely continue, but that share will fall even faster if the USA does not increase the number of engineers available for those jobs. Other countries are making significant investments to gain make sure they have a pool of such workers. […]
October 8th, 2007 @ 11:02 am
[…] computer science graduates were among the highest paid of any major – an average offer of $53,051, which is about a 4.5 percent increase over 2007. […]