Alligator Blood Provides Strong Resistance to Bacteria and Viruses

Posted on June 15, 2008  Comments (1)

Gator Blood May Be New Source of Antibiotics

The study authors, from McNeese State University and Louisiana State University, said their research is the first to take an in-depth look at alligator blood’s prospects as an antibiotic source. According to the researchers, alligators can automatically fight germs such as bacteria and viruses without having been exposed to them before launching a defense.

For the study, the researchers extracted proteins known as peptides from white cells in alligator blood. As in humans, white cells are part of the alligator’s immune system. The researchers then exposed various types of bacteria to the protein extracts and watched to see what happened.

In laboratory tests, tiny amounts of these protein extracts killed a so-called “superbug” called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. The bacteria has made headlines in recent years because of its killing power in hospitals and its spread among athletes and others outside of hospitals.

The extracts also killed six of eight strains of a fungus known as Candida albicans, which causes a condition known as thrush, and other diseases that can kill people with weakened immune systems.

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One Response to “Alligator Blood Provides Strong Resistance to Bacteria and Viruses”

  1. Molecule Found in Sharks Kills Many Viruses that are Deadly to People » Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog
    September 20th, 2011 @ 2:29 am

    […] Alligator Blood Provides Strong Resistance to Bacteria and Viruses – Female Sharks Can Reproduce Alone – Monarch Butterflies Use Medicinal Plants […]

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