Genomics Course For College Freshman Supported by HHMI at 12 Universities

Posted on December 13, 2007  Comments (3)

HHMI Selects 12 Institutions to Launch Nationwide Science Education Experiment

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) has selected 12 colleges and universities to participate in a nationwide genomics course that will involve first-year college students in authentic research. The new course is the first major initiative from HHMI’s Science Education Alliance, which seeks to enhance the teaching of science and inspire new generations of scientists.

In Fall 2008, first-year students at the six undergraduate institutions and six research-intensive institutions will take part in a year-long research course — the Phage Genomics Research Initiative – which is being developed by the Science Education Alliance (SEA). The SEA, headquartered at HHMI’s Janelia Farm Research Campus in Northern Virginia, will foster the development of a national network of scientists and educators who work collaboratively to develop and distribute new materials and methods to the education community.

HHMI is committing a total of $4 million over the first four years of the program.

Approximately 20 students at each institution will participate in the two-semester phage genomics research course, in which they will be taught to use sophisticated research techniques. Students will isolate bacterial viruses (phages) from their local soil, prepare the viral DNA for sequencing, and annotate and compare the sequenced genome. The goal is to immerse students in the process of doing science, and equip them with the critical thinking and communication skills necessary for successful research careers.

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3 Responses to “Genomics Course For College Freshman Supported by HHMI at 12 Universities”

  1. CuriousCat Science Blog » $60 Million for Science Teaching at Liberal Arts Colleges
    December 2nd, 2008 @ 12:41 pm

    “the Howard Hughes Medical Institute issued a challenge to 224 undergraduate colleges nationwide: identify creative new ways to engage your students in the biological sciences…”

  2. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » HHMI Expands Support of Postdoctoral Scientists
    May 5th, 2010 @ 7:25 am

    […] Genomics Course For College Freshman Supported by HHMI at 12 Universities – $60 Million in Grants for Universities – Howard Hughes Medical Institute Takes Big […]

  3. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Science Courses for the Next Generation
    May 6th, 2010 @ 8:30 am

    […] $4 million over four years to the development and rollout of the Alliance’s first course: the National Genomics Research Initiative. That year-long course has enabled freshmen to make real discoveries by doing research on phage, […]

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