Another Strike Against Cola

Posted on October 7, 2006  Comments (0)

This is definately not the year of Cola. This summer has seen many stories on Drinking Soda and Obesity. High visability attempts to rid schools of Cola have grown. And now news that, Drinking cola may increase risk to women’s bones

A study of 2,500 people concluded that drinking the carbonated beverages was linked with low bone mineral density in three different hip sites in women, regardless of age, menopausal status, calcium and vitamin D intake and use of cigarettes or alcohol.

Similar results were seen for diet pop and less strongly for decaffeinated pop.

In men, there was no link with lower bone mineral density at the hip, and both sexes showed no link for the spine.

As with most medical studies one big conclusion from this study: more study is needed. While this may be frustrating it is still true, it is not easy to get a full picture of health effects, see: Medical Study Results Questioned. So from some results (with varying degrees of confidence) experts can give the best advice they can and seek to better understand the situation with more studies.

Related: Study Links Cola to Bone Loss in Women WebMD

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