Recharge Batteries in Seconds

Posted on June 9, 2006  Comments (2)

MIT researchers are working on battery technology based on capacitor technology and nanotechnology.

Super Battery (video also available):

Rechargable and disposable batteries use a chemical reaction to produce energy. “That’s an effective way to store a large amount of energy,” he says, “but the problem is that after many charges and discharges … the battery loses capacity to the point where the user has to discard it.”

But capacitors contain energy as an electric field of charged particles created by two metal electrodes. Capacitors charge faster and last longer than normal batteries. The problem is that storage capacity is proportional to the surface area of the battery’s electrodes, so even today’s most powerful capacitors hold 25 times less energy than similarly sized standard chemical batteries.

The researchers solved this by covering the electrodes with millions of tiny filaments called nanotubes.

This technology has broad practical possibilities, affecting any device that requires a battery. Schindall says, “Small devices such as hearing aids that could be more quickly recharged where the batteries wouldn’t wear out; up to larger devices such as automobiles where you could regeneratively re-use the energy of motion and therefore improve the energy efficiency and fuel economy.”

Previous post: MIT Energy Storage Using Carbon Nanotubes

2 Responses to “Recharge Batteries in Seconds”

  1. CuriousCat: Bacteria Sprout Conducting Nanowires
    December 8th, 2007 @ 3:20 pm

    “They feed by plucking electrons from atoms in their fuel and dumping them onto the oxygen or metal atoms in the mixture…”

  2. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Battery Breakthrough
    August 13th, 2009 @ 9:04 pm

    […] Recharge Batteries in Seconds – Using Virus to Build Batteries – Black and Decker Codeless Lawn Mower Review by curiouscat […]

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