Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card

Posted on November 20, 2008  Comments (0)

cover of Ender in Exile

Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card has just been published. It is the ninth book in the Ender Wiggen series that began with Ender’s Game (Hugo and Nebula book award winner). I love the Ender series and have a table showing the sequence of the books. The books have not been published in the order of events in the fictional world. Ender in Exile is directly follows Ender’s Game (which makes it 3rd in story order – since Ender’s Shadow took place concurrently with Ender’s Game).

You can listen to Orson Scott Card read from Ender in Exile.

I include this post because I enjoyed the book. It doesn’t really have much to do with science or engineering but here is a quote from the book (page 106): “Besides, that’s what science was – the sharing of information the pooling of knowledge. That’s my gene pool, Afriama, he thought. The meme pool, the collective knowledge of science. What I discover here, what I learn, the problems I solve – those will be my children.”

Enjoy the book, and if you have not read Ender’s Game I highly recommend it. You can read the original Ender’s Game short story online. And if you haven’t read The Investment Counselor (about Jane, Ender’s computer companion) it is excellent (included in First Meetings in Ender’s Universe)

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