Backyard Wildlife: Crows
Posted on November 12, 2008 Comments (3)
Here is an action shot of a bird diving at a crow in my backyard, presumably to get the crow to leave. I noticed this for going on for several weeks (follow link for better view of the dive-bombing bird). The crow didn’t seem to mind too much most of the time.
I visited Madison this week and saw 4 wild turkeys wandering around in a residential area. I didn’t have my camera handy however, so I didn’t get a photo 🙁 It was a strange and cool site.
Related: Cool Crow Research – Backyard Wildlife: Sharpshinned Hawk – posts on birds
Crows Carry Cameras for Science:
The cameras look through the legs of the birds, transmitting what they record to a person holding a receiver several hundred meters away.
To understand more about how and why the crows use tools, researchers need a lot of details about their lives in the wild
Videos included footage of the crows using plant stems as tools to probe for food and even carrying a tool from one place to another. The images showed that birds on the ground pick up just 8 bits of food an hour.
To understand more about how and why the crows use tools, researchers need a lot of details about their lives in the wild
Videos included footage of the crows using plant stems as tools to probe for food and even carrying a tool from one place to another. The images showed that birds on the ground pick up just 8 bits of food an hour.
3 Responses to “Backyard Wildlife: Crows”
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April 1st, 2009 @ 10:52 pm
“Somewhere between 75 and 90 percent of population has been lost within the last 40 years,’ says Ziolkowski. ‘The biggest factor is probably loss of wetland habitat…”
November 27th, 2010 @ 11:00 am
Robins like to attack my holly tree and feed on the berries…
August 20th, 2011 @ 11:09 am
“The trap table puzzle was visually different from the trap-tube in its colour, shape and material. Transfer between these two distinct problems is not predicted by theories of associative learning and is something not even the great apes have so far been able to do…”