Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy
Posted on December 22, 2007 Comments (1)
The Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy is designed to use robotics to excite children about science and technology and to help create a more technologically literate society. This seems like quite a nice idea to me.
Currently there are over 80 companies in the Southwestern Pennsylvania region that design, sell, or service robots. Carnegie Mellon University, the governing body of the NREC, has a world-renowned reputation for robotics. NASA, one of the funders of the consortium, has an unparalleled commitment to education. Pittsburgh and The National Robotics Engineering Consortium have all the components necessary to become the world leader in Robotics Education.
Why is it important? Most of the technologies that we depend on daily were developed in the last ten years. The only constant is change, and change is exponential in the digitally driven world in which we find ourselves. If you believe as we do that it is the scientists and technologists that will have the greatest impact on the quality of your life in the future, then you will find the following statistics alarming.
Related: Tour the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Lab – Learning with Robotic Legos – Robots Wrestling, Students Learning – CMU Professor Gives His Last Lesson on Life – Building minds by building robots – Fun Primary Science and Engineering Learning
Great Physics Webcast Lectures
Posted on December 20, 2007 Comments (0)
One great example of MIT’s Open Course Ware initiative is Physics I: Classical Mechanics. This course features lecture notes, problem sets with solutions, exams with solutions, links to related resources, and a complete set of videotaped lectures. The 35 video lectures by Professor Lewin, were recorded on the MIT campus during the Fall of 1999. These are some great lectures by a entertainer and educator. Some lecture topics: Newton’s Laws, Momentum – Conservation of Momentum – Center of Mass, Doppler Effect – Binary Stars – Neutron Stars and Black Holes, The Wonderful Quantum World – Breakdown of Classical Mechanics. What a wonderful web it is.
Related: MIT for Free – Berkeley and MIT courses online – Science and Engineering Webcast Libraries – Inner Life of a Cell: Full Version – Non-Newtonian Fluid Demo – Webcasts by Physics Nobel Laureates – Google Tech Webcasts #3
Tags: MIT,physics,webcasts
Giant Rats
Posted on December 19, 2007 Comments (1)
Giant rat found in ‘lost world
the most surprising finds of the trip were the two new species of mammal – the Cercarteus pygmy possum and Mallomys giant rat. “The giant rat is about five times the size of a typical city rat,” said Kristofer Helgen, a scientist with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. “With no fear of humans, it apparently came into the camp several times during the trip.”
Related: Cats Control Rats … With Parasites – Opossum Genome Shows ‘Junk’ DNA is Not Junk
Expensive Ink
Posted on December 18, 2007 Comments (4)
$8,000-per-gallon printer ink leads to antitrust lawsuit
The printer makers have been waging an all-out war against third-party vendors that sell replacement cartridges at a fraction of the price. The tactics employed by the printer makers to maintain monopoly control over ink distribution for their printing products have become increasingly aggressive. In the past, we have seen HP, Epson, Lenovo and other companies attempt to use patents and even the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in their efforts to crush third-party ink distributors.
The companies have also turned to using the ink equivalent of DRM, the use of microchips embedded in ink cartridges that work with a corresponding technical mechanism in the printer that blocks the use of unauthorized third-party ink.
Tip – by a printer from a company that doesn’t rip you off as much for ink: The Kodak 5300 All-in-One Printer, which uses ultra low-priced ink to help you save up to 50 percent. Kodak has made the strategic decision to compete with the entrenched printing companies by not ripping off customers as much. Ok I am not really sure how this really fits one this blog but I want to put it here so I will 🙂
Related: Kodak Debuts Printers With Inexpensive Cartridges – Price Discrimination in the Internet Age – Zero Ink Printing – Open Source 3-D Printing
Handcrafted Chromosomes
Posted on December 18, 2007 Comments (0)
Synthetic DNA on the Brink of Yielding New Life Forms
In the coming year, they hope to transplant it into a cell, where it is expected to “boot itself up,” like software downloaded from the Internet, and cajole the waiting cell to do its bidding. And while the first synthetic chromosome is a plagiarized version of a natural one, others that code for life forms that have never existed before are already under construction.
LS9 Inc., a company in San Carlos, Calif., is already using E. coli bacteria that have been reprogrammed with synthetic DNA to produce a fuel alternative from a diet of corn syrup and sugar cane. So efficient are the bugs’ synthetic metabolisms that LS9 predicts it will be able to sell the fuel for just $1.25 a gallon.
At a DuPont plant in Tennessee, other semi-synthetic bacteria are living on cornstarch and making the chemical 1,3 propanediol, or PDO. Millions of pounds of the stuff are being spun and woven into high-tech fabrics (DuPont’s chief executive wears a pinstripe suit made of it), putting the bug-begotten chemical on track to become the first $1 billion biotech product that is not a pharmaceutical.
Engineers at DuPont studied blueprints of E. coli’s metabolism and used synthetic DNA to help the bacteria make PDO far more efficiently than could have been done with ordinary genetic engineering.
Related: Life-patents – Open-Source Biotech
The State of Physics
Posted on December 17, 2007 Comments (0)
The Problem with Physics by Peter Woit
Fundamental physics now finds itself in a historically unprecedented situation. The multi-decade dominance of string theory, along with its extremely speculative research into the implications of exotic scenarios far removed from any hope of testability, has changed the subject in dramatic and fundamental ways.
What used to be considered part of the dubious fringes of science has now become institutionalised within the mainstream. In physicist Lee Smolin’s recent book, The Trouble With Physics, he characterises the current sociology of the field as dominated by ‘groupthink’, with too few physicists willing to admit how far off the tracks things have gone. The nearly infinite complexity of string theory, M-theory, branes, higher dimensions and the multiverse has led to a vast number of possible challenging calculations for people to do to keep themselves busy, all embedded in a mathematical structure far too poorly understood to ever lead to definitive, falsifiable predictions.
The problems of the Standard Model that faced my colleague and I a quarter of a century ago continue to inspire new generations of young theorists to devote their lives to work that might some day lead to real progress. But these problems remain extremely difficult ones, and we have little in the way of promising ideas, with far too much effort going into the evasion of difficulties and the pursuit of the chimera of unification through ever more complex higher dimensional constructions inspired by string theory.
Related: String Theory in Trouble – String Theory is Not Dead – Neutrino Detector Searching for String Theory Evidence
Superfluid Helium
Posted on December 16, 2007 Comments (0)
Once helium is cooled to within 2 degrees above absolute zero helium becomes a superfluid. At that point is has zero viscosity and can do things like rise out of a container – scaling the walls. Graphic from Wikipedia on Superfluid: Helium II will “creep” along surfaces in order to find its own level – after a short while, the levels in the two containers will equalize. The Rollin film also covers the interior of the larger container; if it were not sealed, the helium II would creep out and escape.
Related: Non-Newtonian Fluid Webcast – Superconductivity and Superfluidity – Inner Life of a Cell (full version) – Helium-3 Fusion Reactor |
More interesting superfluid traits:
Strategic Research Plan for Nanotechnology
Posted on December 16, 2007 Comments (0)
Productive Nanosystems report for the United States Department of Energy:
technology base advances:
1. Develop atomically precise technologies that provide clean energy supplies and a cost-effective energy infrastructure.
2. Develop atomically precise technologies that produce new nanomedicines and multifunctional in vivo and in vitro therapeutic and diagnostic devices to improve human health.
Close cooperation among scientific and engineering disciplines will be necessary because of the nature of the engineering problems involved. This cross-disciplinary collaboration will bring broad benefits through the cross-fertilization of ideas, instruments, and techniques that will result from developing the required technology base.
With international cooperation, the benefits of productive nanosystems will be delivered to the world faster. Coordinating a full international
effort is extremely desirable in order to minimize duplication of effort in smaller national programs conducted independently.
Related: Nanotechnology Overview – Nanotechnology Investment as Strategic National Economic Policy (Singapore) – Nanotechnology Research – Nanocars
Another Bacteria DNA Trick
Posted on December 15, 2007 Comments (2)
A DNA shift never before seen in nature
Dedon said he and his co-workers were surprised to discover that a group of bacterial genes, known as the dnd gene cluster, gives bacteria the ability to employ the same modification on their own. “It turns out that nature has been using phosphorothioate modifications of DNA all along, and we just didn’t know about it,” he said.
He theorizes that the modification system might serve as either protection against foreign (unmodified) DNA, or as a “bookmark” to assist with transcription or replication of DNA.
Bacteria really are amazing. I am starting to read more about bacteria and virus so maybe I will post more on these topics over the next few months.
Related: Where Bacteria Get Their Genes – Bacteria parasite DNA found within DNA of host – Fighting Bacteria by Blocking DNA Replication
Orcas Create Wave to Push Seal Off Ice
Posted on December 15, 2007 Comments (4)
Pretty amazing footage. From Nature News, Unique orca hunting technique documented:
Related: Water Buffaloes, Lions and Crocodiles Oh My – Fun in Nature: Polar Bear and Wolves – The Cat and a Black Bear – Backyard Wildlife: Merlin Falcon – Robots Collaborating
Engineering for a Changing World
Posted on December 13, 2007 Comments (1)
This interesting and long report (I have not finished reading it yet – 120 pages) has been completed by the President Emeritus of at The University of Michigan (and current University Professor of Science and Engineering): Engineering for a Changing World by James J. Duderstadt.
It is similarly essential to elevate the status of the engineering profession, providing it with the prestige and influence to play the role it must in an increasingly technology-driven world while creating sufficiently flexible and satisfying career paths to attract a diverse population of outstanding students. Of particular importance is greatly enhancing the role of engineers both in influencing policy and popular perceptions and as participants in leadership roles in government and business.
The inability of engineering to attract the best and brightest, as it does in most other nations, is due in part to the way engineering is perceived by prospective students, teachers, parents, and society more broadly (NSB, 2007). Society at large simply does not have an accurate perception of the nature of engineering. While the public associates engineers with economic growth and national defense, they fail to recognize the role of engineering in improving health, the quality of life, and the environment. They are relegated to the role of technicians rather than given the respect of other learned professions such as medicine and law. In sharp contrast to most other nations, one rarely finds engineers in leadership roles in business or government and hence they have relatively inadequate impact on the key strategic issues facing our nation and world.
Related: Science, Engineering and the Future of the American Economy – Engineering the Future Economy – China’s Economic Science Experiment – Economic Strength Through Technology Leadership – Educating the Engineer of 2020: NAE Report – The Future is Engineering – MIT Engineering Education Changes – Best Research University Rankings (2007) – Global Technology Leadership