YouTube+ for Science from PLoS

Posted on August 31, 2007  Comments (3)

SciVee is a new site by the great people at PLoS, with support from NSF and San Diego Supercomputer Center. It is very early in the launch of this effort but it looks very promising.

SciVee allows scientists to communicate their work as a multimedia presentation incorporated with the content of their published article. Other scientists can freely view uploaded presentations and engage in virtual discussions with the author and other viewers. SciVee also facilitates the creation of communities around specific articles and keywords. Use this medium to meet peers and future collaborators that share your particular research interests.

Of course plenty of great videos are already online but this looks like another great effort at helping improve communication of scientific ideas by the Public Library of Science. And there are advantages to a community lead by scientists that not only posts videos but encourages scientific discussion on the related matters. I am hopeful (and confident) this will become a great resource.

Related: Science and Engineering Webcast DirectoryStanford Linear Accelerator Center Public LecturesGoogle Engineering and Technology Webcasts
Originally I posted this to my employers blog: Engineering and…. It turns out it was made public prematurely – SciVee update.

3 Responses to “YouTube+ for Science from PLoS”

  1. Curious Cat: Engineering TV
    August 14th, 2008 @ 9:20 pm

    Engineering TV offers some nice videos…

  2. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Science Postercasts
    October 12th, 2008 @ 12:11 pm

    […] I wrote about SciVee, over a year ago, saying I thought they could become a valuable resource. It has been taking longer to really get going than I thought it would but this new feature, Postercasts, is great. I am glad to see SciVee living up to my high expectation. Keep up the great work SciVee. The experience can still use improvement but this is a great start. […]

  3. Science and Engineering Instructional Webcasts » Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog
    July 19th, 2012 @ 3:05 am

    doFlick offers user-generated educational, technical and instructional videos on science and engineering. Examples include: Simple Circuits – How to do a basic leak test in vacuum systems…

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