$600 Million for Basic Biomedical Research

Posted on April 18, 2007  Comments (7)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) will hold a national competition for investigators that will result in an investment of at least $600 million in basic biomedical research. Up to 50 new researchers will be selected by spring 2008. HHMI Announces New Open Competition:

HHMI seeks applications from outstanding scientists studying biomedical problems in a broad array of disciplines, including not only biology and medicine, but related areas of chemistry, physics, engineering and computational biology. This competition is open to early career stage scientists at approximately 200 eligible institutions.

HHMI values innovation and encourages its investigators to extend the boundaries of science. By appointing scientists as Hughes investigators — rather than awarding research grants — HHMI is guided by the principle of “people, not projects.” HHMI investigators have the freedom to explore and, if necessary, to change direction in their research. Moreover, they have support to follow their ideas through to fruition — even if that process takes many years.

This new competition represents the first time that HHMI has opened up a general competition to the direct application process. In the past, faculty members had to be nominated by their institutions for HHMI investigator positions.

More details and apply via: 2008 HHMI Investigator Competition.

7 Responses to “$600 Million for Basic Biomedical Research”

  1. KJ Roberts
    May 2nd, 2007 @ 6:10 am

    Great news!

  2. CuriousCat: Researchers Create Molecule-Sized Test Tubes
    June 6th, 2007 @ 12:31 pm

    […] The test tubes are actually bubble-like nanocontainers that are porous to small molecules. Researchers can easily feed needed ions and other chemicals into the ultra-tiny reaction chambers. […]

  3. Sarah Bern
    June 8th, 2007 @ 12:40 pm

    Great news for everyone who is interested in Biomedical Engineering!

    It is time Governments around the world start funding Biomedical research an d develop better medicines and medical devices.

  4. CuriousCat: River Blindness Worm Develops Resistance to Drugs
    June 15th, 2007 @ 6:05 pm

    “Professor Taylor’s team have recently received a large grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to search for new drugs or combinations that can have the same effect as a course of doxycycline but delivered in shorter time frame…”

  5. CuriousCat: Genomics Course For College Freshman Supported by HHMI at 12 Universities
    December 13th, 2007 @ 12:39 am

    Approximately 20 students at each institution will participate in the two-semester phage genomics research course, in which they will be taught to use sophisticated research techniques. Students will isolate bacterial viruses (phages) from their local soil, prepare the viral DNA for sequencing, and annotate and compare the sequenced genome…

  6. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » HMMI Nurtures Nation’s Best Early Career Scientists
    March 15th, 2008 @ 8:14 am

    “HHMI will invest more than $300 million… focusing on researchers who have led independent laboratories for two to six years at one of the approximately 200 U.S. medical schools, universities, and research institutes that are eligible. Those who are selected by HHMI will receive six-year, non-renewable appointments including full salary and research support while remaining affiliated with their home institution…”

  7. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » HHMI Expands Support of Postdoctoral Scientists
    June 17th, 2009 @ 2:23 pm

    […] Howard Hughes Medical Institute provides a huge amount of science and health care related funding. HHMI is expanding existing relationships to fund postdoc scientist fellows at with Jane Coffin […]

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