More Microchip Breakthroughs

Posted on January 27, 2007  Comments (2)

Intel, IBM separately reveal transistor breakthrough

In dueling announcements, Intel Corp. and International Business Machines Corp. separately say they have solved a puzzle perplexing the semiconductor industry about how to reduce energy loss in microchip transistors as the technology shrinks to the atomic scale.

Each company said it has devised a way to replace problematic but vital materials in the transistors of computer chips that have begun leaking too much electric current as the circuitry on those chips gets smaller. Technology experts said it’s the most dramatic overhaul of transistor technology for computer chips since the 1960s

The problem is that the silicon dioxide used for more than 40 years as an insulator inside transistors has been shaved so thin that an increasing amount of current is seeping through, wasting electricity and generating unnecessary heat. Intel and IBM said they have discovered a way to replace that material with various metals in parts called the gate, which turns the transistor on and off, and the gate dielectric, an insulating layer, which helps improve transistor performance and retain more energy.

Related: Intel tips high-k, metal gates for 45-nmMoore’s Law seen extended in chip breakthrough3 “Moore Generations” of Chips at OnceDelaying the Flow of Light on a Silicon Chip

2 Responses to “More Microchip Breakthroughs”

  1. CuriousCat: Microchip Cooling Innovation
    August 18th, 2007 @ 6:18 pm

    “the technology increased the ‘heat-transfer coefficient,’ which describes the cooling rate, by as much as 250 percent. ‘Other experimental cooling-enhancement approaches might give you a 40 percent or a 50 percent improvement…”

  2. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Nanotechnology Breakthroughs for Computer Chips
    August 28th, 2009 @ 8:21 am

    […] Self-assembling Nanotechnology in Chip Manufacturing – More Microchip Breakthroughs – Nanotechnology posts by curiouscat   Tags: Engineering, Nanotechnology, Products, […]

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