Engineering Education Reality TV
Posted on January 21, 2007 Comments (1)
Engineering Education Gets Its Own Reality TV Show
The two four-student teams will rotate their members each week of the 13-week season as they compete, building one machine per episode. The scores for each episode will be divided among the participants, and the two with the highest scores at the season’s end will compete for the grand prize: a US $10,000 college scholarship provided by the Intel Foundation.
The show premiers on Public Broadcasting Service stations across the United States during EWeek, the annual engineering week event that takes place this year from 18 to 24 February. A second season is in the early planning stage.
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Note: Original Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design – “4. Complex URLs …Thus, a URL should contain human-readable directory and file names that reflect the nature of the information space.” from 1996. It is still true today, yet look at the first link on this page. I wish more people would listen to Nielsen, Spool and others on improving web usability. The experts can disagree on some topics and the relative importance of various alternatives. Still those that read and apply their ideas make much better web sites than those that do crazy stuff like using the url in that first link. Thankfully good software normally adopts these practices (such as wordpress, which makes it very easy for human readable urls to be used).
One Response to “Engineering Education Reality TV”
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June 6th, 2007 @ 9:44 pm
I caught some of Everyday Edisons the other day, which looked promising (though I would prefer less fluff and more focus on the process of designing and marketing the products. American Inventor season two premiers tonight on ABC…