Green Energy

Posted on October 12, 2006  Comments (3)

In Ontario, Making ‘Clean Energy’ Pay

Canada’s Ontario province has ordered local utility companies to pay homeowners or businesses for any electricity they generate from small solar, wind, water or other renewable energy projects, beginning next month.

The plan is unique in North America, but it is modeled after similar schemes in Europe that have spawned a boom in small “clean energy” projects.

One more example of green energy projects. Those planning for the future can see that such efforts are needed. And my guess is that those that develop solutions now will be rewarded in the marketplace. Europe and Japan are taking the lead in energy technology and as renewable energy (and energy saving technology) become more and more important those companies that have built up a expertise will benefit.

Related: Engineers Save EnergyMIT’s Energy ‘Manhattan Project’Wind Power

3 Responses to “Green Energy”

  1. MV
    October 12th, 2006 @ 1:47 pm

    The whole world should unite to produce clean energy. Incentives for clean
    energy production are always welcome.

  2. dr hill
    March 25th, 2008 @ 3:07 am

    In general it is sound great to have a program like that, pushing companies to invest in renewable energy. However, the goal of this importamt environmental chalange is to become a profitable bussiness by its own. These program may cause a non-profitable renewable energy companies to become dependant on this kind of programs, preventing it from naturally advancing to the next level, and developing more efficient ways of producing energy. For my opinion, suporting green energy project should be trough research and development.

  3. Nigel
    January 11th, 2009 @ 1:29 am

    I agree John. More incentives or kickbacks should be given to companies who promote green energy. Good share thanks

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