Science Opportunities for Students

Posted on August 16, 2006  Comments (3)

Girls in Science camping trip photo

The Girls In Science blog documents a program for Roosevelt Middle School students in San Diego. It provides a great example of what can been done:

Wow, what a year it’s been for our Girls In Science (GIS) program! In the span of one short school year, we met with 30 different presenters, covering topics from veterinary pathology to behavioral research to visual communication in primates to cytogenetics… We met sea lions, nearly extinct golden frogs, carnivorous plants, marsh birds, Mei Sheng the giant panda, Mexican gray wolves, and a black tarantula named Vivica. We dabbled in exotic animal nutrition, GPS mapping, and poop sampling. And we spent a glorious day at the La Brea Tar Pits learning about Southern California as it was during the last Ice Age!

Virtually all of the scientists we met with were women, but we tossed a couple of males into the mix just for variety’s sake. One of them, Michael Puzzo, is a field biologist who tracks mountain lions throughout Southern California.

Another opportunity for those in San Diego is Better Education for Women in Science and Engineering (BE WiSE)

BE WiSE invites girls in grade 7 and 8 to Science Overnights to explore their interest in science, hosts events for BE WiSE alumnae in high school to encourage their selection of more course in science and math, and exposes these girls to adult women scientists who share their knowledge and passion and experiences with science and engineering careers.

See more posts on k-12 science and engineering education

3 Responses to “Science Opportunities for Students”

  1. CuriousCat: Nature Recreation Declining
    February 6th, 2008 @ 8:26 am

    “The study examines data from the United States, Japan and Spain on everything from backpacking to duck hunting…that correlated a decline in visits to U.S. National Parks with an increase in television, video game and Internet use…”

  2. Curious Cat: USA Navy Sponsored Technology Summer Camp
    July 8th, 2008 @ 5:40 pm

    “Even though engineering was not one of my first options, now I will consider it. After attending this program I realized that I was able to do this,” Long Island resident Savory said.

  3. Curious Cat: Beloit College: Girls and Women in Science
    July 16th, 2008 @ 11:05 pm

    “sixth grade girls, along with their teachers and parents. This award winning conference encourages the exploration of science and mathematics by middle school girls through two days of experiments, activities, and interaction with science professionals…”

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