Excellence in K-12 Mathematics and Science Teaching

Posted on July 28, 2006  Comments (2)

Going to School with Samuel Wheeler (NSF does not provide a way to link directly so you have to look down the page to find this interview of teacher Samuel Wheeler).

NSF: What is your most successful tool to inspire students to study science?
Wheeler: I craft my science courses in such a way that the students themselves become the investigator and principal learner, and I become a guide or facilitator. If they are allowed to explore the material from their own interests with the proper springboard, then it is easier to inspire them.

Samuel Wheeler received the, Presidential Awardees for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching – USA.

Teachers must be nominated prior to completing an application. Anyone-principals, teachers, students, parents, members of the community, or the general public-may nominate a teacher. Self-nominations are not accepted.

Once nominated, a teacher must complete an application to be considered for the award. The application includes a videotaped lesson and written responses to questions about the teacher’s instructional practice.

The deadline for applying is 1 May 2007 for 7th-12th grade teachers and 1 May 2008 for k-6th grade teachers. List of 2005 awardees. Two are selected from each state, which seems a bit odd to me when you compare the size of the teacher and student population of California to many other states, for example.

Since this is a federal government program I guess they decided the model of the senate was better than other options. I would have to disagree – it would seem to me the selections should be based, at least to some extent, on the number or student or teachers in the state.

2 Responses to “Excellence in K-12 Mathematics and Science Teaching”

  1. Curious Cat » USA Governors Promote the Value of Science Education
    August 15th, 2006 @ 11:03 pm

    “host regional learning labs and workshops to help states improve education in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math…”

  2. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Sarah, aged 3, Learns About Soap
    February 23rd, 2008 @ 5:20 pm

    I remember such discussions with Dad (Chemical Engineering professor). The only danger I saw was him getting tied of -why? (when I was older)…

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