NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education
Posted on March 29, 2006 Comments (4)
NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education
To apply you must submit a letter of intent by 5 May 2006. Full Proposal Deadline: 19 June 19 2006. NSF estimates 25 awards will be given.
New awards (5 years/$600,000 per year) and continuing awards (3 years/$600,000 per year – to those projects that have received initial funding) are available.
This program provides funding to graduate students in NSF- supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines to acquire additional skills that will broadly prepare them for professional and scientific careers in the 21st century. Through interactions with teachers in K-12 schools, graduate students can improve communication and teaching skills while enriching STEM instruction in K-12 schools.
Through this experience graduate students can gain a deeper understanding of their own scientific research. In addition, the GK-12 program provides institutions of higher education with an opportunity to make a permanent change in their graduate programs by incorporating GK-12 like activities in the training of their STEM graduate students.
Expected outcomes include improved communication, teaching and team building skills for the fellows; professional development opportunities for K-12 teachers; enriched learning for K-12 students; and strengthened partnerships between institutions of higher education and local school districts.
Through the GK-12 program, institutions of higher education have an opportunity to make a permanent change in STEM graduate education programs and to create strong and enduring partnerships with K-12 schools.
In essence, fellows will bring their scientific research experience to the schools, so that teachers and K-12 students are exposed to what science is all about, how science is done, how discoveries happen and what scientists do.
The GK-12 program is an opportunity to bring the excitement and the results of science to schools and to create cultural changes both in K-12 schools and in institutions of higher education. It is also an opportunity for fellows to acquire skills that normally are not emphasized in a more traditional STEM graduate program so that they can have additional career options as professional scientists and engineers.
Read more about the opportunity and more details on how to apply.
4 Responses to “NSF Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education”
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September 3rd, 2006 @ 12:38 pm
“The pressure to publish research means many scientists do not have time to go into schools to encourage pupils to take up sciences, a study suggests…”
June 27th, 2007 @ 12:46 pm
“The fellowship program offers current public or private elementary and secondary mathematics, technology, and science classroom teachers with “demonstrated excellence in teaching” an opportunity to make an impact in the national public policy arena…”
May 8th, 2008 @ 9:18 am
In 2007, 99 middle school and high school math and science teachers are receiving this recognition…
June 3rd, 2008 @ 10:26 pm
“Cherlyn Anderson is one of eight Einstein Fellows spending this academic year at NSF. In her other life, Anderson is an eighth-grade science teacher in South Carolina…”