Engineering is Elementary

Posted on February 28, 2006  Comments (2)

Elementary Engineers: Engineering concepts should be taught at an early age by Polly Roberts,

Christine M. Cunningham, vice president of research at the Museum of Science, Boston spoke to more than 200 Virginia elementary school teachers last week at the 10th Annual Children’s Engineering Convention in Glen Allen.

The EiE program then provides teachers with lesson plans, handouts and background information so they can discuss the engineering aspects of the book with their students and have them participate in their own “engineering design challenge,” which in this case would be developing a water purifier.

Cunningham said the program helps build and reinforce skills such as problem solving, data analysis, teamwork, creativity and more. Plus, starting the lesson with a book incorporates literacy.

Engineering is Elementary (EiE): Engineering and Technology Lessons For Children

This is another nice resource for teachers including lesson plans such as: Catching the Wind – Designing Windmills. For more resources see our: Science and Engineering Link Directory

2 Responses to “Engineering is Elementary”

  1. CuriousCat » Inspire Students to Study Math and Science
    July 2nd, 2006 @ 9:18 am

    She does an excellent job presenting her position. And you have to love statement like “when I was young” from a high school student…

  2. CuriousCat: Science for Kids
    February 23rd, 2008 @ 7:00 pm

    Children are naturally inquisitive. Mainly we need to provide opportunities for them to do what they would do naturally.

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