Converting Emissions to Biofuels

Posted on November 20, 2005  Comments (3)

photo of biofuel device

Converting emissions to biofuels at GreenFuel Technologies:

In the unit, non-toxic photosynthetic algae ‘eat’ the carbon dioxide and break the nitrogen-oxygen bonds. Scrubbed gas vents from the chimneys at the unit apex. Inline sensors monitor system performance and provide remote reporting, and a built-in automated harvesting system gathers algae ‘crops’ on a preprogrammed schedule, typically daily. The bioreactors are even self-cleaning.

The technology was tested at the MIT Cogeneration Plant (delivered 86% NOx reduction under all conditions, along with 50% CO2 reduction on rainy days, and 82% CO2 reduction on sunny day) and is now being tested at a commerical power plant.

Read news reports about the technology: Power Plants and How Algae Clean the Air

Read a more detailed report from the company: Air-Lift Bioreactors for Algal Growth on Flue Gas: Mathematical Modeling and Pilot-Plant Studies

3 Responses to “Converting Emissions to Biofuels”

  1. Curious Cat: Kudzu Biofuel Potential
    June 23rd, 2008 @ 10:58 am

    “The researchers estimate that kudzu could produce 2.2 to 5.3 tons of carbohydrate per acre in much of the South, or about 270 gallons per acre of ethanol, which is comparable to the yield for corn of 210 to 320 gallons per acre…”

  2. george chris
    June 3rd, 2009 @ 3:41 pm

    You taught me everything
    And everything youve given me
    I always keep it inside
    You’re the driving force in my life, yeah
    There isnt anything
    Or anyone I can be

  3. Curious Cat Science and Engineering Blog » Algae Farm Aims to Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel
    June 30th, 2009 @ 9:47 am

    […] Ethanol: Science Based Solution or Special Interest Welfare – Converting Emissions to Biofuels – Student Algae Bio-fuel Project – Kudzu Biofuel Potential – Global Installed Wind Power Now Over […]

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